CloudBit Blog

How to Hire and Manage a Remote Software Development Team

Posted on July 20, 2023

Remote work is the future. The global COVID-19 pandemic has made that clear. Millions of workers were forced to work from home. But even before the pandemic, remote work and software project outsourcing was becoming increasingly popular. More workers prefer the convenience of staying in the comfort of their home over commuting to an office. Some even find they are more productive at home. Plus, technology increasingly allows for remote collaboration, making the traditional office less necessary.

As a result, remote software development teams are on the rise. Remote teams refer to teams that work together from different geographic locations. Those locations can be homes within the same city, or they can be locations spread across the globe. Either way, remote work does away with the traditional brick and mortar office.

Remote software development has many advantages over in-house software development. For one, remote work allows software project managers to pull from a larger pool of talent. Employers are no longer limited to developers who live within close proximity. Now they can hire the best software developers for the job no matter where they live.

Remote teams also tend to waste less time. Without the traditional office, developers spend less time commuting, chatting with coworkers, and have fewer distractions overall.

Moreover, remote teams benefit from diversity. Diversity fosters originality and innovation. Multicultural teams tend to bring more ideas to the table and avoid groupthink. By transcending language and cultural borders, a diverse team can be a strong asset to your software development project.

However, remote software development teams also face unique challenges. The physical distance between team members can lead to poor communication. Without in-person contact, you lose the ability to read body language, which sometimes creates misunderstandings. So make sure to communicate as clearly as possible.

Remote communication also makes having personal connections harder. Yet personal relationships are still important and necessary in remote work. They help build trust, loyalty, and motivation among team members. So make sure to create opportunities for social interaction and team bonding.

Another challenge is managing different time zones. Working with developers from different parts of the world can create scheduling conflicts and delays. You may have to adjust your working hours or find a common time window for meetings and collaboration. You may also have to deal with cultural differences and language barriers that can affect communication and expectations.

So how do you hire and manage a remote software development team effectively? Here are some tips and best practices to help you create the best remote software development team and teach you how to manage it.

Hire the right people

A team is only as good as its members make it. When hiring remote software developers, you need to look for more than just technical skills. You also need to look for soft skills that are essential for remote work.

Some of these skills include:

Self-motivation: Remote developers need to be able to work independently and stay focused without constant supervision.
Communication: Remote developers need to be able to communicate clearly and frequently with their teammates and managers using various tools and channels.
Collaboration: Remote developers need to be able to work well with others and contribute to a shared goal.
Adaptability: Remote developers need to be able to adjust to changing requirements, deadlines, and technologies.
Problem-solving: Remote developers need to be able to troubleshoot issues and find solutions without relying on others.

To assess these skills, you can use various methods such as:
Written questions: You can ask candidates to answer some questions about their experience, motivation, and expectations for remote work.
Recorded call: You can ask candidates to record a short video or audio message introducing themselves and explaining why they are interested in working with you.
Trial project: You can give your best candidates a small assignment or test that simulates real work scenarios and evaluates their technical and soft skills.
Reference check: You can contact previous employers or clients of your candidates and ask them about their performance, reliability, and attitude.

Use the right tools

Tools are essential for managing remote software development teams. They help you communicate, collaborate, track progress, share feedback, and more.

Some of the tools you should use include:

Communication tools: These tools allow you to chat, call, or video conference with your team members. Examples include Slack, Zoom, Skype, etc.
Collaboration tools: These tools allow you to share files, documents, code, etc., with your team members. Examples include: Google Drive, Dropbox, GitHub, etc.
Project management tools These tools allow you to plan, organize, and track your software projects. Examples include, Jira, Trello, etc.
Communication tools These tools allow you to chat, call, or video conference with your team members. Examples include Slack, Zoom, Skype, etc.

These tools can help you communicate, collaborate, and coordinate your work with your remote software development team. However, you should also be careful not to use too many tools at once. This can create confusion and inefficiency. Try to choose the tools that best suit your needs and preferences and stick to them.

Establish clear goals and expectations

One of the keys to managing a remote software development team is to have clear goals and expectations for each project and each team member. This helps everyone stay focused and aligned on the same vision.

Some of the things you should define and communicate include:

The scope of the project: What are the features and functionalities you want to deliver? What are the requirements and specifications? What are the deadlines and milestones?
The roles and responsibilities: Who is in charge of what? Who reports to whom? Who needs to collaborate with whom?
The standards and guidelines: What are the coding conventions and best practices you want to follow? What are the quality criteria and testing procedures? What are the documentation and reporting formats?
The feedback and evaluation: How will you monitor and measure the progress and performance of your team? How will you provide feedback and recognition? How will you handle issues and conflicts?

Having clear goals and expectations can help you avoid misunderstandings, confusion, and frustration among your remote software development team. It can also help you track and evaluate your results more effectively.

Communicate regularly and effectively

Communication is vital for any team, but especially for remote software development teams. Without regular and effective communication, your team can feel isolated, disconnected, and demotivated.

Some of the ways you can communicate with your remote software development team include:

Daily stand-ups: These are short meetings where each team member shares what they did yesterday, what they plan to do today, and what challenges they face. They help keep everyone updated and accountable.
Weekly reviews: These are longer meetings where you review the progress and performance of your team over the past week. They help identify achievements, issues, and opportunities for improvement.
One-on-one meetings: These are personal meetings where you check in with each team member individually. They help build rapport, trust, and support.
Group chats: These are informal chats where you can share ideas, feedback, questions, or jokes with your team members. They help create a sense of community and camaraderie.

When communicating with your remote software development team, you should also consider:

The frequency: How often do you need to communicate with your team? Depending on the size, complexity, and urgency of your project, you may need to communicate more or less frequently.
The mode: What is the best way to communicate with your team? Depending on the purpose, context, and preference of your communication, you may choose different modes such as text, audio, or video.
The tone: How do you want to communicate with your team? Depending on the situation and tone of your communication, you may choose different modes such as text, audio, or video.
The clarity: How do you make sure your communication is clear and concise? You should use simple and direct language, avoid jargon and slang, and check for spelling and grammar errors. You should also use visual aids such as screenshots, diagrams, or emojis to enhance your message.
The feedback: How do you give and receive feedback with your team? You should provide constructive and timely feedback that is specific, actionable, and respectful. You should also encourage your team to share their opinions, suggestions, and concerns with you.


Hiring and managing a remote software development team can be challenging but rewarding. By following the tips and best practices we shared in this blog post, you can create a successful remote software development team that delivers high-quality software products.